Snack Tray
Easy sell, ideal for start-ups.
- 40 Units (4 flavours)
- Display tray
- Labels and Sign
Presentation 200g
Presentation 1 kg (255 units. / kg Aprox.)
Snacks with 100% natural dehydrated carrot. Contains beta-carotene which helps destroy pinworm eggs. Carrots are extremely beneficial for your dog’s vision. Provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Dehydrated Natural Carrot, Concentrate with Omega 3 and 6, Concentrate with Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K, Water, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Coloring, Preservatives, Butter.
Presentation 200g
Presentation 1 kg (250 units. / kg Aprox.)
Dehydrated bacon snack with contributions to the formation of red blood cells through vitamin B12. It also provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. Omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Dehydrated Bacon, Concentrate with Omega 3 and 6, Concentrate with Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K, Water, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Preservatives, Coloring, Butter.
Presentation 200g
Presentation de 1 kg (210 units. / kg Aprox.)
Brownie Snack does NOT contain chocolate. Contains blackstrap molasses that helps prevent diabetes. Calcium that contributes to strengthen the bones. It also provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. Omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Molasses, Concentrate with Omega 3 and 6, Concentrate with Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K, Water, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Caramel, Preservatives, Butter.
Presentation 200g
Presentation 1 kg (270 units. / kg Aprox.)
Snacks with fruit flavors, with benefits for the skin and healthy coat. It also provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. Omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Concentrate with Omega 3 and 6, Concentrate with Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K, Water, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Coloring, Preservatives, Banana and Pineapple Essence, Butter.
Presentation 200g
Presentation 1 kg (380 units. / kg Aprox.)
Snacks that help improve breath, provides fiber that helps with digestion. It also provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. Omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Concentrate with Omega 3 and 6, Concentrate with Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K, Water, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Colouring, Preservatives, Essence of Mint, Butter.
Presentation 200g
Presentation 1 kg (175 units. / kg Aprox.)
Chicken snacks that do NOT contain chorea (the synthetic that wraps the cabano). Contributions for better digestion. It also provides vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D3, E and K. Omega 3 and 6, fiber and protein.
Food supplement to supply dogs of all breeds and sizes as a prize or snack. Not a substitute for basic food.
Chicken, Wheat Flour, Mogolla, Preservatives, Coloring, Caramel.